Prepare for Ignition: $TRUMP's AI Meme Machine, Fueled by OpenAI's 32K API, is About to Go Viral. Think SpaceX for memes—high-octane innovation meets viral culture, creating a universe where memes aren't just a form of expression; they're an art. This isn't just an app; it's a movement. Powered by the brains behind OpenAI, and curated by the audacity of the $TRUMP brand, we're transcending the meme game. Get ready to not just consume culture but to create it. Strap in; we're about to disrupt the digital sphere.

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Finalize TCC token development

Conduct smart contract audit

Initiate community building

Begin marketing campaign


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Get TCC listed on crypto exchanges

Establish strategic partnerships

Implement token holder governance

Start community reward distribution


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Expand community engagement initiatives

Implement charitable giving component

Enhance token utility through partnerships

Next year's developments and expansions


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  • 5/5 Tax Structure
    • 5% redistributed to token holders: Earn rewards simply by holding.
    • 5% added to liquidity pool: Increases stability and value.
  • 100 Billion Tokens
    • No team tokens: Ensures fairness and community focus.
  • Liquidity Pool Security
    • Locked for 6 months via Unicrypt: Guarantees security and trustworthiness.

In essence, $TRUMP's tokenomics are designed to empower the community while ensuring a secure and robust financial ecosystem. It's a groundbreaking approach that sets a new standard for decentralized finance.